Terms | Wet411.com


The contents of this site are for informational purposes only.

Any claims of income are representational. No guarantees are made. Some people will make more money, and some will make none.

Wet411.com takes no responsibility for your use of the information on this site. While we strive to ensure that all information on this site is timely and accurate no guarantee is made for its usefulness or correctness.


Submissions to the site become the property of Wet411.com. By posting or submitting content, you allow Wet411.com to use your content for any purposes we choose, including reposting on this website or other sites or publications we own or may own in the future.

Any personally identifiable information will be removed if your content is reused; however, your first name and last initial may be used.

The contact information you submit will be kept private, and your email address will not be rented, leased or sold to anyone for any purposes.

External Links & Commissions

Any reviews of products or services provided on this site are done in good faith. External links on this site and in the associated newsletter and RSS feeds are provided for your convenience.

Affiliate Disclosure

To keep the FTC happy (thanks to the bad behavior of some unscrupulous online marketers), we want you to fully understand our affiliate relationship with third-party sites linked to the Wet411.com website.

You should assume that all third-party links on this site contain affiliate links.

These products, services or training may be linked to via a redirect URL to prevent commission fraud. If you click on these third-party links, a cookie will be set on your browser, and if you decide to purchase from the third-party site, we may receive a commission.

Any affiliate links on this website are exclusive to the material we have used and/or can recommend in good conscience. We value our reputation and do not want to make affiliate commissions off low-quality products, services or training.

External Links

The third-party links on this website may have been shortened and in some cases cloaked to eliminate long, unwieldy links and to prevent commission theft. We are proud of our relationship with the third-party sites we recommend.

We only recommend products, training and services we have used and/or believe to be of the highest quality.

Reviews & Posts

We receive no direct compensation for reviews or posts on our website.

Some of our reviews may be influenced by our affiliate relationships and may be considered a conflict of interest – but we’re committed to only positively reviewing products and training we believe in. We always aim to offer honest opinions on the topics, products and training we write about and review.

Third-Party Advertising

In some cases, other vendors may place advertisements on our website in the form of ad banners, widgets and text links. These are paid ads and while we attempt only to allow the highest quality products, training and services to be advertised on our website we are not to be held responsible for any claims made on these paid advertising links.

Continued Use Indicates Acceptance

By accessing the information on this website, you agree to these terms of service.

Also, you waive any right to pursue legal action against the owner(s) of Wet411.com. You agree to release the owner(s) of this website from any liability resulting from your use of any and all of the information presented on this website.

You may unsubscribe at any time from any related RSS feeds, email newsletter subscriptions or other communications.

If you disagree with ANY of these terms & conditions, you should immediately leave this site.


The content of the Wet411.com website is copyrighted and may not be copied, reposted or mirrored without the written permission of the site owner(s).

Changes To Our Terms

If we decide to change our terms, we will post those changes on this page and/or update the disclosure of the terms modification date below.

This disclosure was last modified on 12/03/2025.

Need Anything Else?

Should you have any questions you can use the address:

Wheelbarrows & Pick Axes LLC dba Wet411.com

1401 Lavaca St #44000

Austin, TX 78701


Income | Privacy | Terms

Listen up peeps: Before you dive into this information, remember that ultimately it's YOUR job to take responsibility for YOUR actions! Some people will get awesome results with the info contained in emails, courses and other online content while others will get very little or none. We're here to help but we're not your safety net or magic wand. Use this information wisely, apply it with care and understand that success or failure rests on YOUR shoulders. If you're not willing to do the work this isn't the place for you. But if you're ready to step up, welcome aboard... let's do this!